Saturday, July 21, 2018

Kasasagi paper art ideas

Kasasagi paper art ideas, Released at July 21, 2018, Saturday, July 21, 2018 is a creative art and craft that is worth using as a reference for anyone who needs, this easy arts and crafts ideas for kids blog is just to inform that the work like this ever existed and ever made.

Kasasagi paper art ideas

Paper artist Kate Kato creates detailed and intricate sculptures of plants and insects using recycled materials.Using recycled materials Kato try to capture the delicate detail and beauty found in nature. Kato who live in Wales is influenced by plants, insects and found objects which she recreate as intricate, life-sized sculptures and arrange carefully into collections and dioramas. She use traditional techniques such as paper cutting, carving and embroidery to shape and embellish the recycled paper.
From bees and butterflies to mushrooms and flowers, Kato’s approach is one rooted in nostalgia, with her pieces transporting her back to her childhood faster than a Delorean. Her use of recycled paper, as well as being an A+ repurposing of well-worn books and magazines, reflects that nostalgia and gives her sculptures a history and narrative. “I like people to be able to see where the materials have come from as well as what I have turned them into, evoking that childish curiosity we all have somewhere inside!”

Kasasagi paper art ideas

Kasasagi paper art ideas

Kasasagi paper art ideas

Kasasagi paper art ideas

Kasasagi paper art ideas

Kasasagi paper art ideas

Kasasagi paper art ideas